PTI terms cut in POL prices too little, meagre

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) spokesman Sunday rejected what he called the meager reduction in the prices of the petroleum productions (POL) by the caretaker government, saying it was nothing but merely a drop in the ocean amid the ballooning inflation.

He came hard on the caretaker government for anti-poor policies and termed the reduction in the prices of POL as symbolic, inadequate and ‘a cumin seed in the mouth of a camel’. He claimed when PTI well-performing government was ousted through a conspiracy, petrol was available at Rs149 per litre; however, during the last 17 months, the prices of petrol and diesel witnessed over two-fold increase.

PTI spokesman said that the caretaker government kept the tradition of massive increase in the prices of POL prices like PDM, compounding the miseries of the inflation-ridden and poverty-stricken masses manifolds.

He regretted that the country was in the grip of the worst inflation due to the unbearable surge in the prices of the petroleum products, as it was becoming impossible for the people to make both ends meet.

PTI spokesman said, “On one hand businesses and sources of income are shrinking very fast due to the ruined economy, while on other, terrorism is resurfacing as a national problem once again, making innocent citizens insecure and terrified. Unfortunately, the caretaker government and the state officials are busy in unleashing a reign of terror and state operation against PTI and its supporters”.

He urged that the caretaker government should realize the sensitivity of the situation and ensure the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections within the constitutionally defined time limit of 90 days to hand over the decision-making to the elected leadership of the people so as to steer the country out of the prevailing untold crises.


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