Bill Hader on Barry’s turning point: reminder that he’s not a good guy

Bill Hader, who plays the titular character of Barry in HBO’s hit tv series, has shared his thoughts on the pivotal moment that he believes showed Barry’s true character. According to Hader, this moment was a clear indication that Barry is “not a good guy.”

“I always felt a big turning point was when Barry killed Chris [his war buddy, an amiable family man who knew too much],” said Hader as he spoke to the Los Angeles Times. “That was kind of the moment.”

In a previous conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, writer Liz Sarnoff explained that the scene was made to keep the audience on Barry’s side, “At the same time, you see from Chris [Marquette], ‘Oh, this is how you should feel — how a normal person feels — when they kill someone,’”

“And yet, we’re still on Barry’s side: He has to do it — he had no choice.”

The Emmy-winning actor explained that Barry crossed the limit <a href="" title="<a href="">Meghan Markleonce more when he got mad at Sally while she was at work in the third season.

“That was very important, that it’s only a matter of time before this starts to spread out to the people he loves. It was a nice reminder that he’s not a good guy.”

The 44-year-old concluded by sharing that he believes in making content that reflects reality, “I remember watching Goodfellas growing up and going like, ‘Wow, look at his life. And then they shoot Spider, and you just knew that this was real. As you get older, you just see that life is more like Goodfellas.”


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